Although everyone knows this song as “Oh Susannah”, you can easily sing it with your child or grandchild’s name instead. Try it like this … “Oh Little David… don’t you cry for me” or maybe… “Andrea Darlin’… don’t you cry for me”. With a little experimentation, you can make almost any name fit in and children love to hear their own name being sung to them!
Well, I come from Alabama
With a banjo on my knee
And I’m bound for Louisiana,
My own true love for to see
Oh Susannah
Don’t you cry for me
For I come from Alabama
With a banjo on my knee
Well, it rained sop much the day I left
The weather it was dry
The sun so hot I froze myself
Susannah, Don’t you cry
Well, I had a dream the other night
When everything was still
I dreamed I saw Susannah
She was comin’ oer the hill
Oh the buckwheat cake was in her mouth
The tear was in her eye
She said I come from Louisian’
Susannah, Don’t you cry