Words by Daria A. Marmaluk-Hajioannou
This song is written to the tune of “My Bonnie Lies Over The Ocean”. I’ve added new words about some of my favorite water creatures.
The dolphins they play in the ocean
The dolphins they play by the sea
The dolphins they play in the ocean
Oh let them be wild and be free
Wild and free
Oh let them be wild and be free (be free...)
Wild and free
Oh let them be wild and be free
The whales, they swim in the ocean
Deep in the depths of the sea
The whales they swim in the ocean
Oh let them be wild and be free
The manatees play by the bayside
The manatees play by the sea
Sometimes they’ll even swim with us…
But let them be wild and free
Oh don’t you love all the creatures
The ones from the land and the seas?
If we protect the they'll be with us forever
Wonderful, wild and free !